
I’ll Never Be a Senior Citizen

vintage car
Photo by Arnie Watkins from Pexels

You know how people say they’re having a “Senior Moment” when they forget something or do something a little crazy?  I’ve been known to use that excuse in the past but I’m not sure I like it anymore.  I’m not a senior and I don’t plan on being one except when it comes to the senior citizen discounts. 

I remember the first time I found I could get a senior discount when I turned 50, I was so excited that I announced it to anyone within earshot.  Then I’d ask everywhere I went if I could have one.  THEN I actually had someone give me the discount without even asking me even asking, that did it, I was insulted.  I admit I look more and more like my mom when I look in the mirror but that doesn’t mean I look old does it? 

From this time forward I will no longer be using the term Senior Citizen. I’m going to refer to myself as Vintage or Classic, after all, I do get better and more valuable with each passing year.

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