
Turn Back Time

Turn back Time

Years ago I worked with a doctor that fell and dislocated his shoulder.  I was talking to him when he said that he slipped on the ice and said to himself “glad I’m not old, I could have broken a hip”  Then it hit him, He was old so he started feeling his legs and hips. 

Well, last night I had that same event happen, no I didn’t fall again but I was talking to someone who said that we can’t hide from genetics.  I started thinking of all the conditions I inherited from my parents like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, etc, etc and said that those were old people’s diseases.  That’s when it hit me, I AM OLD.

If I’d have known or paid attention to the genetics lottery we all play I could have done things to prevent or delay certain things from happening.  I should have exercised more, stayed active longer and not found the couch as comfortable as I do.  I could have watched my weight rather than my expanding waistline.  I could have done so many things so I’d be able to do much more now. 

I wonder if I start today could I turn back time? 

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